Frontman 101 - Conversational Platform to Elevate Customer Experience

The number of AI chatbot related technologies in the market are steadily entering the mainstream businesses. And foreseeing the immense potential, more and more businesses have started to invest heavily in this automation technology.

So get your reading glasses out, we will be learning everything in this story about chatbot, specifically Frontman which is becoming a disruptive force in fueling business-to-consumer relations.

Frontman — What is it?

Frontman is a AI based chatbot builder platform to create smart conversational agents to perform business task on its own without any human help. 

Let me give you a few ideas of what a Frontman can do:

Client service — this includes FAQs, checking order and delivery status and also sending additional data. For instance, your Frontman can remind a customer about an order he left in the shopping cart when he visits your website next time, or allow a client to change the delivery destination post ordering or pass special instructions to complete delivery successfully 

Product marketing and promotion — your Frontman is the executor of action in your sales funnel. You can use it at any step of the funnel: remind customers about a discount or give them a link to your new webinar, qualify a sales lead or subscribe for a product demo.

Explaining and complementing your product —what it means Frontman can complement your existing product and supports clients on every stage of using your product or service and helps to understand its abilities and functions.

Why there is a need for a product like Frontman?

That’s a good question indeed. When most businesses already have dedicated customer support line, social media presence and email address to manage customer queries then why the need for this multimodal communication?

The thing is in this world of instant messaging apps and where customers expect the online support executive to respond to their queries right on the spot, the Frontman can be the right tool to provide instant support. It frees up the human customer support to deal with other important problems and act as an early mode of engagement that can really improve how a business or brand is perceived. Thus, the 24×7 presence makes it an irresistible technology.

Moreover, consumers are now accustomed to text-based communication with messaging being the primary mode of communication over smartphones. By integrating frontman on the business website, it opens up the potential for seamless interaction with the brand. It can be deployed for solving growing number of issues from simple search to customer service and smart analysis. It can be added alongside various business systems and call centers for having an extra dimension of communication.

How Frontman actually works?

The Frontman basically works on two methodologies, one is the rule-based approach and the other is integrating it with AI. In a rule-based approach, the Frontman answers queries based on some predefined rules on which it has been trained. The rules can be either simple or complex, depending on the type and needs of a business. Frontman based on this methodology is relatively straightforward and easy to create.

But when it comes to do more than just simply answer the questions and getting users onboard, the AI can help the frontman learn from each interaction with the user and improve its working. This is possible through Instinct AI, system & user defined attributes and JSON API so that the frontman is able to complete more complex task.

That means creating Frontman needs coding skills?

If it’s a computer program it would need coding. This is usually the perception of people regarding computer technology. But frontman offers the users easy to use interface and drag and drop functionality. It doesn’t take great engineering skills to create a chatbot from scratch. A simple working frontman visual assistant can be made within minutes.

There are other complex frameworks which require prior coding knowledge but for beginners and small scale businesses, its best to use a platform instead of complex frameworks. This let them test the frontman on their website and see whether the things are working in the right direction.

How can Frontman impact businesses?

The advantages of chatbots such as frontman are countless. For a starter, it creates a new dimension through which you view your business. These virtual assistants help find out the questions people usually asks and search. 

Let’s check it out few industry specific examples

Auto-industry  —  An automobile website running Frontman can give insights into what people think of a particular upcoming car in the market. The auto company can put relevant content of the upcoming cars right on the Frontman widget and let them know the special features of a particular car which is creating hype in the market.

E-commerce —  Frontman running on an e-commerce website can push important offers and discounts to the users based on their buying pattern and increase the business prospects. For example, a person who has earlier visited the website and interacted with frontman to buy shoes, can be offered special discounts either directly interacting with the frontman or through email subscription. Other users may simply want to navigate to a particular page or product if they are finding difficulty in searching through the website.

Once Frontman is trained, it can be deployed in variety of use cases depending on the type of business. It can be placed on the company’s homepage as the first point of contact or within a tablet in a browser. The nature of frontman allows the company to monitor it on various parameters such as for getting business value, customer satisfaction and other metrics.

Big opportunities lying ahead

Chatbots will soon be dominating different areas of customer support and service. And many are being integrated on the websites to connect with the product and dig out customer information. In the age where instant messaging is on its zenith, frontman can provide quick instant support and solve basic and repetitive tasks and that too with its 24×7 presence. This frees up the staff for more complex job and helps remove customer worries through instant response.

This eventually increases the value of your business and builds trust. An increasing number of businesses are experimenting with this technology for their e-commerce, customer service and support as well as content delivery. Any company with significant customer base or want to increase its customer base can easily benefit from frontman. And it doesn’t cost a million bucks. Want to know more about frontman and its application in your business?

Take Frontman for a fast spin on your website without any coding (seriously, no kidding!) Don’t believe us. Try now 👉🏻

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