Why Some Web Pages Are Important In Terms of Conversational Marketing

Let’s get straight to the approach ‘conversational is all about enhancing user experience’. The keyword in question here is ‘enhancing’ which many chatbots aren’t able to do. At times we are caught up in the immense capabilities of a chatbot that we are bound to lose what their real purpose is.

We need to diagnose that and learn how to better communicate with conversational marketing. And the only way is to go back to the basics means start with small things and keep focusing on it. And from my experience at Makerobos, I can say that by implementing new strategy and placing Frontman chatbot on the website, businesses can see improved metrics as much as 6 times as compared to earlier.

Place the chatbot on web pages that matters most to the user

In the light of conversational marketing, the website owners can place the Frontman on certain web pages which matters most to the user and subsequently, the business. Here are some of the examples:

High-intent web pages

These pages include those that indicate that the visitors have more chances of coming and working with your business. For instance, pages on which prices of a product are mentioned or service pages. These are the pages that are labeled as high-intent in terms of conversational marketing. Why? Because at this point a visitor might have specific questions about a product like for example on an electronic store website the visitor might wonder:

‘Which is the best LED TV in my price range’?

‘I need a LED TV with Smart features. Is there any available in this price range’?

‘What would be the EMI options of this particular TV’?

‘What opinion users have about this TV’?

The questions can be qualifying in nature and should direct the conversation to the sales team who can build genuine relationship with the user later. The questions could also be like people typically ask on that particular web page.

High-traffic web pages

Remember what I was telling in the beginning that ‘we have to learn how to communicate uniquely with conversational marketing’? Well, it’s pretty hard to learn especially when ‘no one’ is chatting with you. And this is the reason why putting chatbots or conversational assistant on web pages with high traffic makes sense.

This not only gives the opportunity to focus more on providing value to as many users as possible, but also helps get valuable feedback about the chatbot, website, product and services. These types of pages come in a variety of forms depending on the type of business. Some of the most common are homepages, product pages, blogs and FAQs.

Let’s assume that the FAQs page is one of them. On the FAQ page, the Frontman can help the user sail through the hundreds and thousands of questions and get the desired answer. Or say there is high-traffic on product pages where you get plenty of options to choose for example smartphones. Similarly, web pages such as blogs can prompt the user to ask some questions in real-time. This will enable people to learn about the content and understand more about the topic. The end result will be that the user will start trusting the business more.

Deploying the Frontman on these pages can simplify the conversion path for the user who wants to talk to some virtual guide spot on and get the desired information instantly. So web pages with high traffic allow you to test and tweak your chatbot, revise strategies and deliver the most ROI. If a tree falls in the wood and there is no one to hear that, does it make sense?

Unsubscribe pages

Turn negative intention of the user into positive. Many websites with high traffic which aren’t giving adequate user experience might frustrate the visitors and they end unsubscribing to the services. This happens many times and most of the websites just redirect the user to the unsubscribe page without asking the reasons for unsubscribing.

As there might be something wrong with the product or web page, placing Frontman at this critical stage can really turn things around. A user can text his frustration with the Frontman immediately and with smart conversation, answering the queries or redirecting them to the support team, the Frontman can convince the user to reconsider unsubscribing.

Seriously, in these situations I would like to be treated more like a human than just an email in a list. This way it makes you capable of making unsubscribe survey more actionable.

Final thoughts

A chatbot is a great way to let people know you are there, you are listening to their queries in real time, and you want them to know that they, as an individual, are valued. So, build the chatbot with conversational marketing abilities and that derives value to both the users and your business.

Start building one with user experience in mind. Start with small, focus on it and then move on to advanced stages. Don’t know how to do? You can try that using Frontman, we have got your back.

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